How To Deal With Dark Circles Under Your Eyes

Dark circles under the eyes can be a major problem for many people, as they make you look tired and older. However, there are some very easy ways to deal with this issue. By using moisturizers and serums that are natural and gentle to the skin, you'll be able to diminish the appearance of any dark spots you have around your eyes and make them look better than ever before!

We give you tips on how to deal with dark circles under your eyes.

1. Cleanse and Exfoliate

The first step to dealing with dark circles is to cleanse your face daily. You should use a gentle cleanser that does not contain any harsh soaps or sulfates that will irritate or dry out the skin around your eyes.

Next, gently apply an eye serum using your ring finger, which is the least strong finger and ideal for product application to the delicate skin around the eyes.  

2. Moisturize

Moisturizing is an important step to reducing dark circles, as well as preventing and diminishing wrinkles. But, you should be careful about what products you use. When choosing a moisturizer for the under-eye area, look for one that's specifically made for this purpose (or at least labeled as "oil-free"), yet delivers a boost of moisture that easily penetrates into the skin.  Finally, make sure your pick doesn't contain fragrances or other additives that can irritate the sensitive skin around your eyes.

3. Avoid Eye Creams That Contain Anything That Might Irritate Your Skin

Avoid eye creams that contain:

  • Alcohol
  • Fragrances (including essential oils)
  • Mineral oil, petrolatum, or paraffin waxes (another common ingredient in eye creams)
  • Parabens (a preservative)
  • Lanolin and other animal products like beeswax or carmine (a red dye made from beetles)

If you are still looking for a product that is free of all these substances check out our Cleansing & Hydrating Facial Toner with Saffron & Rose Water.

4. Get Plenty of Sleep (Or Just Don't Miss It)

If you're looking for a quick fix, the best way to get rid of dark circles is by getting plenty of sleep. But what does that mean?

Get plenty of sleep to get rid of dark circles under your eyes.

According to the Mayo Clinic, adults need at least seven hours of quality rest each night. For most people, this means going to bed around 10 p.m., getting up around 6 or 7 in the morning (or earlier if you have an early job), and then spending an hour or two doing whatever they want before hitting the hay again at 10 p.m.. If that sounds like too much time spent in bed, don't worry - you can always try meditation instead!

If these numbers don't seem right for your particular situation - maybe because you work late hours at night or have small children who require frequent attention during daytime hours, then talk with your doctor about how much sleep he thinks would be best for your specific needs as well as any other health concerns related specifically towards getting good shut eye every once in a while.

You can use these tips and tricks to help get rid of your dark circles under the eyes.

You can use these tips and tricks to help get rid of your dark circles.

If you want to get rid of dark circles under your eyes, there are some simple tricks that can help. Here are a few tips:

  • Use a gentle cleanser and moisturizer that contains hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid works by holding moisture in the skin and helping it retain its natural elasticity. So if you use products with this ingredient, they'll keep your skin looking plump and youthful (which will make it look less sunken).
  • Get enough sleep! Sleep deprivation has been shown to cause dark circles under the eyes because when you're tired, blood vessels dilate more than normal--and this causes them to show through even more than usual on pale skin tones like yours or mine.* Avoid eye creams containing ingredients that might irritate sensitive skin around those delicate areas such as fragrance or menthol; these substances can actually make things worse by irritating already inflamed capillaries.*


The best way to deal with dark circles under the eyes is to use the tips we've given you here. We know it can seem overwhelming at first, but trust us: once you start practicing these techniques, they'll become second nature! Just remember that every person's skin is different and what works well for one person may not work as well for someone else (or vice versa). So don't get discouraged if something doesn't seem like it's working out; just try something else instead.  The key is to follow a consistent skin care routine.

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